Under the welding technique commonly understood techniques to manipulate the electrode and burner, the choice of welding, tools and methods of their use for producing high-quality seam, etc. The quality of joints depends not only on welding techniques, but also on other factors such as composition and quality welding materials used, the condition of the work piece, the quality of preparation and assembly of the weld groove, etc.
Depending on the shape and size of the product can be welded joints in different spatial positions. Conventionally, they are divided into lower, vertical, horizontal, and overhead.
Arc welding of metal electrodes coated with currently remains one of the most common methods used in the manufacture of welded structures. This is due to the simplicity and portability of the equipment, the ability to perform welding in different positions and in places inaccessible to mechanized methods svarki.Suschestvenny lack of manual arc welding of metal electrode, as well as other methods of manual welding - low productivity of the process and dependence of the quality of the weld seam welder on practical skills. In the early years of arc welding of metal electrodes were used with a thin coating ionizing, which increases the stability of the arc. However, the properties of the weld metal at the same time were low. Therefore, at present such as electrodes for welding virtually no use.
See also:
Manual Arc Welding
Introduction to Arc Welding
Creating and maintaining an arc
Ways to improve performance
Technique of upper and horizontal joints
Technique of the lower seam
Pipe Welding Technique
The Method
Arc Welding in Protective Gases
Electrodes for Manual Arc Welding
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